About Me

BTEC Level 5 Soft tTssue Therapy

I discovered the benefits of sports massage and soft tissue therapy after running a half-marathon. A friend who is a qualified therapist applied sports massage and soft tissue therapy to my legs. I was amazed at how he transformed their range and quality of movement, making them feel open, light and relaxed. This inspired me to study for the same qualification as his: BTEC Level 5 in Soft Tissue Therapy taught by the London School of Sports Massage.  The course was fascinating and equipped me with many of the principles,  techniques and skills I now use to treat people.

sports massage

I've been treating people now for over five years and love it! People come with all manner of needs and I enjoy helping them to reduce pain and discomfort, feel more open and agile, and to relax. Many of the people I see come regularly, and I appreciate supporting them with their ongoing needs and goals.

I also enjoy receiving sports massage. I run a lot, go to the gym and in winter I ski. I believe massage helps keep me in good form.